Embark on an enthralling ascent in "To the Top," a 2D pixel art platformer that not only tests your climbing skills but challenges your moral compass. Navigate through breathtaking landscapes using a unique grappling hook, deciding whether the path to the summit is a solitary journey or a compassionate odyssey filled with moral dilemmas.


In "To the Top," you embody a resolute climber with a singular goal – conquering a formidable mountain. Armed with just enough resources and time, your journey takes a narrative turn as you encounter fellow climbers, each with stories and requests for assistance. Face the profound choice at every turn – prioritize your personal goal of reaching the summit or extend a helping hand, sacrificing your aspirations for the greater good. As the climber, your choices shape not only your destiny but the mountain's community, unveiling emotional endings that echo the consequences of your actions. "To the Top" is a moral exploration, a climb of self-discovery, and an adventure where every decision leaves an indelible mark on your journey.

Embark on the extraordinary ascent now! Challenge your morals, conquer the mountain, and shape your destiny in "To the Top." Play, reflect, and share your unique stories with fellow climbers. The summit beckons – will you choose the peak or the solidarity of compassion? Climb now and forge your legacy in pixelated heights.


  • Juan Esteban González Sánchez: Gameplay programmer, UI & Level Designer
  • Sebastian Rodríguez Vallejo: Gameplay programmer, UI & Level Designer
  • Francisco Javier Melo Rubio: Concept artist, animator, UI designer

Game DESIGN Document: GDD

GitHub Repository: GitHub

Task management dashboard: Trello

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